Plant of the Month Pages

Chalk Live-Forever
- Dudleya pulverulenta

Common Name(s):Chalk Live-Forever
Scientific Name:Dudleya pulverulenta
Family:Crassulaceae (Stonecrop)
Plant Type:Perennial
Size:up to 18 inches wide 3 ft tall
Habitat:Rocky cliffsides in chaparral and coastal sage scrub
Blooms:June to August
Fire Response:Stump Sprout or Seed

Chalk live-forever's foliage is probably the most recognizable part of the plant - the basal rosette of fleshy, gray-green, pointed-spatulate leaves. The rosette can measure a foot and a half in diameter and about the same in height. Older leaves at the plant's base dry out, turn reddish, and have a papery feel. From May to July, one to several chalky flower stalks form and extend out from the main plant by up to 3 feet. Each stalk becomes loaded with 10-30 small, hanging, unopened-looking red flowers. A chalky, powdery wax covers most of the plant's surfaces.

Chalk live-forever needs good drainage and thus is most commonly found on the sides of sandy, rocky cliffs. It grows well near the coast (enjoying coastal moisture as succulents do) and also tolerates hotter inland areas provided it has a bit of afternoon shade. It is an attractive plant that can make a nice addition to rock gardens or be used in xeriscaping.

The species name pulverulenta means "dust covered", and the genus Dudleya is named after William Russel Dudley, a professor of botany at Stanford in the late 1800's to early 1900's.

Contributed by Liz Baumann

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Chalk Live-Forever - Originally featured: July 2009
Last modified: May 17 2024 07:32:42.
Number of Images: 11
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